About Colorado MGMAColorado Medical Group Management Association (CMGMA) is a state wide professional association comprised of medical practice managers, administrators, and executives. CMGMA is an affiliate of the national MGMA. CMGMA offers local opportunities for education and networking. CMGMA is your local advocate for all healthcare issues. Our purpose is simple. We strive to provide our members the opportunity for both professional and personal growth through education and networking opportunities with colleagues. |
The Values of CMGMA Service to Our MembersWe are dedicated to our profession, partnering with each other and are committed to the collective success of our members. We will strive to exceed the expectations of every member with relevance and value. Growth and InnovationWe embrace change and learn from our collective experiences to continuously improve the delivery and management of healthcare. As leaders for our members and community, we are responsible risk-takers and fully accountable to our members. Financial ResponsibilityWe are stewards of resources to maximize value for our members and are openly accountable. Team RelationshipsWe are a multidisciplinary association of professionals who respect, support and challenge each other to succeed through collaboration. History of CMGMA Founded in June of 1982, the Colorado Medical Group Management Association (CMGMA) is a nonprofit organization whose membership is comprised of individuals engaged in administrative aspects of medical group practice. Membership is diverse and represents group practices operating in a variety of organizational financial structures within the state of Colorado. CMGMA has a genuine interest in the promotion of concepts and ideas within medical group management to the membership. | Upcoming events
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