Join us

Colorado MGMA brings the experience of over 50 years of service as a professional association in the health care field.

Member Benefits

  • Access to and listing in CMGMA searchable member directory
  • Free use of job board and classifieds section of the website
  • Use of online discussion forum
  • At least two personal, face to face education meetings occur yearly, which present current topics of interest to members and provide members with ACMPE credits
  • Networking with other professionals in healthcare through face to face and online opportunities
  • Reduced registration fees for CMGMA-sponsored educational programs
  • Our Legislative Liaison and committee monitor state legislative issues that impact medical practices, encourage member involvement when bills are presented, and foster relationships with state legislators
  • Annual CMGMA compensation survey for physicians, providers, and staff - includes free copy for participating members
  • Weekly E-blasts
  • Quarterly Newsletter
  • Webinars

Member Benefit Links

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To provide educational opportunities and resources to promote professionalism in medical practice management.


We  improve  the  delivery  and  management  of  healthcare  by  assisting  our  members’  success  through education,  networking  and  advocacy.


Colorado MGMA
P.O. Box 380084
Birmingham, AL 35238-0084
(985) 290-8020